Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Gone Digital

I am so excited about the new camera I bought today. Finally, a digital camera. I guess I've been living in caveman times, because everyone I know has a digital camera.
Now, we do too. :)
So, you can fully expect to see lots of pictures soon...once I figure out how to use it.


mearybeary said...

yahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looking forward to pic's..like today. :)

Anonymous said...

Alright Brenda good call..... I am looking so forward to more pictures of my beautful neice and nephews!!! Oh of course you too!!1 hehe
Love you

Anonymous said...


mearybeary said...

where are this pics on the blog? ;)

Matt said...

Posting pics with Blogger is a pain, even with Picasa... but let me know if you need any help. Also, I replied to your comment on the vacation blog. ;)