Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cow Exercise

I found a great new way to burn calories without having to go to the gym. All I have to do is chase cows around. Simple enough. Well, not exactly me choice of exercise but it was my exercise last night. I will try and explain without getting you lost (or myself).

Last night (after kids are in bed-8:30ish), Tom asked me to help him move some calves (good size bigger calves - 1/2 the size of a full cow) from inside the barn to outside in the pasture. All I had to do was stand in the sheep pasture, so the calves would go to the other pasture. Simple enough. And I did my job wonderfully.

Then, Tom comes outside and asks if he closed the gate on the other side of the pasture (yes, the pasture the calves were in). He peeks around the corner and says "NO". I turn around and run through the sheep pasture, climbing and jump over the tall green gate, run around to the front of the barn to head off the calves. Well, I'm too late they're heading for the field. I run around the back of the shed to stop them from going into the newly planted bean field.

They are standing at the edge of the field gazing into the horizon. I slowly start walking toward them. Even before I take one step, they are off running in full speed right through the middle of the field heading for the bush. All I could do was stand there in awe as I watch this little herd of 10 calves making a break for it. I run to see where Tom is and notice one calf has decided to hang around. Tom jumps in his truck and heads to the field. I stick around and make sure this last one doesn't leave.

Tom heads down the field after these calves. Luckily, these calves have pnemonia and can't run all the way to the bush. They stop 1/2 way to the bush, turn around and start trotting back toward the barn (in a nice neat row). Tom drives beside them and blocks them from going any wrong way. I leave the one lone calf in the pasture and block the way between the barn and the house. The calves are now walking, foaming at the mouth, coughing, and nicely walking into the pasture. We close the gate, lock it, and I tell Tom, "I really wish I had my camera with me." It would have been a great picture of Tom in his truck with calves trotting in a herd beside him in the middle of the field!

Adventures on the farm!


Unknown said...

oh that is too funny! Isn't that your second funny experience on the farm? I wish you had a camera too. You should send that story to Readers Digest.

mearybeary said...

that is so funny. What did the boys say when you told them that story?

Cindy B said...

oh - I think I miss the farm ;0)next time we'll come and help! NOT