Friday, April 9, 2010


My creative side has been bubbling inside my brain for the last little while. 
Soooo many ideas, so little time.  I've spent a few mornings with my daughter at the fabric store getting inspired.  I've also spent too much time on other blogs getting many ideas.   

To get myself started, I created a shirt for my nephew who turned one. 

I just pinned the guitar shape onto the t-shirt (lots of pins) and did a zig-zag stitch around the entire shape.  I added straight stitching down the centre to create strings on the guitar.  I liked how it turned out, especially for this being my first try at sewing onto a t-shirt.  The hard part was actually finding a plain white t-shirt. 


The Gifford's said...

Brenda - so happy to see you're blogging! Love the t-shirt! I've been "bubbling" too, but I seem to get stuck halfway through my creations. Curtains are on my list - we'll see how long it takes to get them on my windows.

Down on the Snyders Farm said...

Hi Kim...ya, I trying to get this blog going again...we'll see how much time I give it :)