Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Yummy Pure Canadian Snyders Maple Syrup

This year, we are tapping our maple trees for the first time. We braved the cold wind last night and drilled some holes and hung up some sap buckets.

We can't wait to collect enough sap to boil it down to syrup. The ratio of sap to syrup is 40:1. So, that means, we need to get 40 buckets full of sap to get one bucket of syrup. It was quite exciting when we saw drips of sap coming out of the tree immediately after we put the tap in.

The boys had to keep peeking to see how much was dripping out of the tree.

It will be interesting to see how much we get to make. The boys will be checking those buckets every day (the boys meaning Haden, Garrett AND Tom)!


Hilda said...

that's awesome! I wish we could do that out here! I love maple syrup... yummy!

mearybeary said...

how fun. What a great memory the kids eh? And I always told you, you do have 4 kids not 3 ;0)

Cindy B said...

how many trees did you tap?
Oh boy that means for camping we could have maple bacon, maple syrup, maple sausages...right Tom?!